
Developer Guide


Welcome to ATHENA’s Developer Guide! ATHENA (which stands for Automated Timetable Helper Encourager n’ Assistant), is a desktop daily life planner that aims to help students automate the process of organising their schedule. It is a Command Line Interface (CLI) based application that helps users figure out the best timetable after the user has input their pre-allocated time slots for work and relaxation.

This document describes the software architecture and design of ATHENA that should hopefully help you - a developer, designer, or software tester - understand the inner workings of ATHENA.

Do refer to the glossary if you encounter any unfamiliar terms used in this document.

Setting up and getting started


  1. Ensure you have JDK 11 installed on your computer.
  2. Install IntelliJ IDEA (referred to as IntelliJ in the rest of this document).

Setting up the project in your computer

  1. Fork this repository, and clone the fork onto your computer.
  2. Open IntelliJ (If you do not see the welcome screen, click File > Close Project to close the existing project dialog first).
  3. Set up the correct JDK version for Gradle
    1. Click Configure > Project Defaults > Project Structure.
    2. Click New… and select the directory where you have installed JDK 11.
    3. Click OK.
  4. By default, IntelliJ has the Gradle plugin installed. If you have disabled it, go to File > Settings > Plugins to re-enable it.
  5. Click Import Project(or Open or Import in newer versions of IntelliJ).
  6. Locate the build.gradle file and select it. Click OK. If prompted, choose to Open as Project (not Open as File).
  7. Click OK to accept the default settings, if prompted.
  8. Wait for the importing process to finish, then you are good to go!
  9. Verify the setup:
    1. Run Athena and try a few commands such as list or help.
    2. Run the JUnit tests to ensure they all pass.

Design & implementation


Architecture Diagram

The Architecture Diagram shown above displays the high-level design of ATHENA. It is done with an N-tier architectural style, where the higher layers make use of services provided by lower layers. A quick overview of each component is shown below.

Athena is responsible for:

The rest of the application mainly consists of these components:

The sections below provide more details for each component.

UI component


  1. Ui consists of AthenaUi and ColorText.
  2. AthenaUi implements the Ui interface and outputs messages that the user sees.
  3. ColorText applies relevant colors to certain output messages.
  4. AthenaUi also prints out error messages tied to CommandExceptions that get thrown by Commands in Athena.
  5. LogicManager requires AthenaUi to execute user commands.

Parser component

Structure of the Parser Component

  1. Parser class will parse the user command.
  2. A Command object is then created, which is executed by Athena.
  3. The command execution can alter the TaskList (e.g. Adding a task).
  4. At the end of each command execution, a corresponding method in AthenaUi is called to print a message to the user.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how the Parser works:


The respective Command sequence diagrams are illustrated here under the Implementation section of this document.

TaskList component


  1. The TaskList stores task data in Task type objects.
  2. The TaskList is updated in Athena.
  3. A new Task object is created everytime the user uses the add command.
  4. The Task object is removed with the delete command.

Storage component


  1. The Storage takes in a TaskList object and converts it into an equivalent .csv file.
  2. Athena creates a TaskList from data.csv.

TimeAllocator component


The TimeAllocator allocates tasks without a specified time to a free time slot. i.e. Tasks that were added using the add command without the t/ parameter.

  1. The TimeAllocator keeps track of 3 TaskLists. One containing all of the user’s tasks, one containing only fixed tasks, and another containing only flexible tasks.
  2. The TimeAllocator creates Logs and a TimeSlot when allocating tasks.

Timetable component

`Timetable Component`

The Timetable component is used to generate an output for the list command, when the user requests for Athena to print out the existing tasks. It groups the tasks by their dates and draws an ASCII art timetable for the user.

  1. The ListCommand creates a Timetable to generate an output when the user enters the list command.
  2. The Timetable uses the specified Importance and Forecast to filter the tasks in the TaskList. It also stores the Forecast for later use.
  3. The Timetable groups the tasks by their LocalDate in a TimetableDay.
  4. The Timetable also creates a TimetableDrawer that is used to generate the timetable ASCII art.
  5. The Timetable and TimetableDrawer store a TreeMap<LocalDate, TimetableDay> to query for a TimetableDay based on a specific LocalDate quickly.


This section describes some important details about how certain features are implemented.

Data storage

When Athena is launched, it loads the tasks saved in data.csv, a comma-separated values (csv) file located in the same directory as the program JAR file. After processing a command issued by the user, Athena automatically saves the tasks into data.csv.

The storage mechanism is facilitated by Storage. It reads and writes the Task objects in TaskList to data.csv. It implements the following operations:

These operations are called by Athena, when the program is launched, and after each user command.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the storage mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The TaskList is initialized to be empty. At this time, there is no data.csv file present. So, when Storage calls Storage#loadTaskListData, this is detected and an empty data.csv file is created next to the jar file. Since there was no save file, the TaskList remains empty.

Step 2. The user adds a task to the application, by executing add n/Assignment1 t/1100 D/16-09-2020 d/2 r/Today i/high a/Refer to lecture notes. The TaskList now contains 1 task (Assignment 1). After the command is executed, Athena calls Storage#saveTaskListData to automatically save the tasks in the TaskList into the save file.

Step 3. The user closes the application. Nothing happens since the data in the TaskList is already saved.

Step 4. The user launches the application again. The TaskList is initialized to be empty. Storage#loadTaskListData will read from data.csv and add the tasks inside the file into the empty TaskList. The TaskList now contains the task added earlier (Assignment 1) in Step 3.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how the loading from storage operation works:


The following sequence diagram illustrates how the saving to storage operation works:


User command processing

The processing of user commands is facilitated by AthenaUi, Parser and the Command` subclasses.

The following operations are implemented:

Step 1. The user input will be read in by the AthenaUi class. Athena will call for Parser#parse to parse the user input and retrieve the respective command type and parameters.

Step 2. Parser#parse will then create a Command object based on the user input. The Command object is returned to Athena.

Step 3. Athena will call Command#execute to execute the command.

The specific implementation of each command is explained in the following subsections.

Add task feature

The mechanism to add a task is facilitated by the AddCommand class. The user is able to add a task with the add command.

AddCommand#execute is called and the Task described by the user input is added to the TaskList.

AddCommand and TaskList implements the following operations:

The process starts with Parser#parse parsing the user input and returns an AddCommand object. This is described in the user command processing section.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the task adding mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The TaskList is initialized to be empty.


Step 2. The user adds a task to the application, by entering add n/Assignment1 t/1100 D/16-11-2020 d/2 r/Today i/high a/Refer to lecture notes. Parser#parse parses the user input, and creates an AddCommand object. The AddCommand object is returned to Athena.

Step 3. Athena calls AddCommand#execute, which calls TaskList#addTask to create a task based on the given parameters, and adds the task to the list. The TaskList now contains 1 task (Assignment1).


Step 4. AthenaUi prints a message to inform the user of whether the command has succeeded or failed.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how Step 3 of the task adding operation works:


Edit task feature

The mechanism to edit a task is facilitated by the EditCommand class. The user is able to edit a task with the edit command.

EditCommand#execute is called and the Task described by the user input is edited in the TaskList.

EditCommand, TaskList implements the following operations:

The process starts with Parser#parse parsing the user input and returns an EditCommand object. This is described in the user command processing section.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the task editing mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. The TaskList contains at least one Task.


Step 2. The user edits a task to the application, by inputting edit 1 t/1200. Parser#parse parses the user input, and creates an EditCommand object. The EditCommand object is returned to Athena.

Step 3. Athena calls EditCommand#execute, which calls TaskList#editTask to edit the specified task based on the given parameters. The TaskList now has the start time of task with index 1 changed from “1100” to “1200”.


Step 4. AthenaUi prints a message to inform the user of whether the command has succeeded or failed.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how Step 3 of the editing task operation works:


List feature

The mechanism to print out the user’s tasks is facilitated by the ListCommand class. The user is able to see a list of their tasks with the list command, and can provide filters to display the tasks based on their Importance and Time.

ListCommand#execute is called, and a Timetableis used to group the user’s tasks by their dates before printing them out.

ListCommand and Timetable implements the following operations:

The process starts with Parser#parse parsing the user input and returning a ListCommand object. This is described in the user command processing section.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how this mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. The TaskList contains the Tasks for the week.

Step 2. The user wants to see the HIGH IMPORTANCE tasks within one week from now, by entering list i/HIGH f/WEEK. Parser#parse parses the user input, and creates a ListCommand object. The ListCommand object is returned to Athena.

Step 3. Athena calls ListCommand#execute, which creates a Timetable with the TaskList and the filter values provided by the user. Timetable calls Timetable#populateTimetable to groups

Step 4. AthenaUi prints the output generated by Timetable#toString.


Mark task as done feature

The mechanism to mark a task as done is facilitated by the DoneCommand class. The user can use this feature through the done command.

DoneCommand#execute is called and the Task selected by the user is marked as done by the TaskList.

DoneCommand and TaskList implements the following operations:

The process starts with Parser#parse parsing the user input and returning a DoneCommand object. This is described in the user command processing section.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how this mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. The TaskList contains at least one Task.


Step 2. The user marks Task 1 as done, by entering done 1. Parser#parse parses the user input, and creates a DoneCommand object. The DoneCommand object is returned to Athena.

Step 3. Athena calls DoneCommand#execute, which calls TaskList#markTaskAsDone to mark Task 1 as done. Task 1 is now marked as done.


Step 4. AthenaUi prints a message to inform the user of whether the command has succeeded or failed.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how Step 3 of the marking task as done operation works:


Delete task feature

The mechanism to delete a task is facilitated by the DeleteCommand class. The user is able to delete a task with the delete command.

DeleteCommand#execute is called and the Task selected by the user is deleted from the TaskList.

DeleteCommand and TaskList implements the following operations:

The process starts with Parser#parse parsing the user input and returning a DeleteCommand object. This is described in the User command processing section.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how this mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. The TaskList contains at least one Task.


Step 2. The user deletes Task 1 by entering delete 1. Parser#parse parses the user input, and creates a DeleteCommand object. The DeleteCommand object is returned to Athena.

Step 3. Athena calls DeleteCommand#execute, which calls TaskList#deleteTask to delete Task 1. Task 1 is now deleted.


Step 4. AthenaUi prints a message to inform the user of whether the command has succeeded or failed.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how Step 3 of the task deleting operation works:


View task feature

The mechanism to view a task is facilitated by the ViewCommand class. The user is able to view a task with the view command.

ViewCommand#execute is called and the details of the Task selected by the user are displayed by the TaskList.

ViewCommand and TaskList implement the following operations:

The process starts with Parser#parse parsing the user input and returning a ViewCommand object. This is described in the User command processing section.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how this mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. The TaskList contains at least one Task.

Step 2. The user views Task 1 by entering view 1. Parser#parse parses the user input, and creates a ViewCommand object. The ViewCommand object is returned to Athena.

Step 3. Athena calls ViewCommand#execute, which calls TaskList to view Task 1. The details of Task 1 can now be viewed.

Step 4. AthenaUi prints a message to inform the user of whether the command has succeeded or failed.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how Step 3 of the task viewing operation works:


Time allocation to task in timetable

The time allocation mechanism is facilitated by TimeAllocator. It allocates time slots to Task objects in a TaskList that are not given a fixed time slot by the user. It implements the following operations:


When Athena executes any command, the current Tasklist is used to generate a TimeAllocator object.

TimeAllocator keeps tasklist,fixedTaskList and flexibleTaskList objects.

TimeAllocator#runAllocate creates a Log object named dayLog and a TimeSlot object to keep track of the current allocations for the day.

Before the allocation of Task objects begin, an ArrayList unassignedTimeTasks is created from flexibleTaskList.

Fixed tasks that occur on the same day are placed into the dayLog first.

TimeSlot#findNextSlot continually finds the next possible locations for the Task objects in flexibleTaskList.

The method will iterate through all the combinations of Log objects with the existing flexibleTaskList until it finds one that completely takes up the time in the TimeSlot or it returns the best possible timetable after going through all the possibilities.

The dayLog is used to assign the startTime of the allocated Task objects, and also removes them from unassignedTimeTasks.

This process is repeated to fill up the time for the subsequent days.

Shown below is an example usage scenario and how the allocation mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. The data.csv file located next to the application JAR file contains 5 tasks. These tasks are loaded into the TaskList. 3 of them have a fixed time slot, while the other 2 are not assigned any time slot.

Step 2. The user executes any command and the allocator will run automatically.

Step 3. The application allocates a time slot for the Task objects without a fixed time slot.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how the allocate operation works:


Step 4. The user executes list to get an overview of the week. The user sees all 5 tasks in the printed timetable.

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch

    1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
    2. Download the latest version of ATHENA here.
    3. Copy the downloaded Athena.jar into your Desktop.
    4. Open the terminal/command prompt and enter cd Desktop.
    5. Then, enter java -jar Athena.jar.

      Expected: Shows the command line interface with welcome message.

  2. Shutdown ATHENA

    1. Enter exit into the terminal/command prompt while ATHENA is running.

      Expected: A farewell message by ATHENA will be shown.

Adding a task

Adding a task to the list.

  1. Test case: add n/Assignment1 t/1100 D/16-09-2020 d/2 r/Today i/high a/Refer to lecture notes

    Expected: First task is added to the list. Details of the added task are shown.

  2. Test case: add t/1100 D/16-09-2020

    Expected: No task is added. Error details are shown.

Editing a task

Editing a task details while all tasks are shown.

Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list command.

  1. Test case: edit 1 n/new name

    Expected: Name of the task with index 1 in the list is changed to new name.

  2. Test case: edit 1

    Expected: No task is edited as there are no parameters entered. Error details are shown.

  3. Test case: edit -1

    Expected: No task is edited. Error details are shown.

  4. Other incorrect edit commands to try: edit, edit x (where x is larger than the list size)

    Expected: No task is edited. Error details are shown.

Listing all tasks

Listing all the tasks with or without filters.

  1. Test case: list
    Expected: All the tasks will be listed.

  2. Test case: list i/HIGH f/TODAY
    Expected: All the tasks today with high importance will be shown.

  3. Test case: list f/TOMORROW
    Expected: No task is listed. Error details is shown.

Marking a task as done

Marking a task as done while all tasks are shown.

Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list command.

  1. Test case: done 1

    Expected: Task with index 1 is marked as done in the list. Details of the task are shown.

  2. Test case: done -1

    Expected: No task is marked as done. Error details are shown.

  3. Other incorrect delete commands to try: done, done x (where x is larger than the list size)

    Expected: No task is marked as done. Error details are shown.

Deleting a task

Deleting a task while all tasks are shown.

Prerequisite: List all tasks using the list command to see the existing tasks.

  1. Test case: delete 0

    Prerequisite: There should be at least one task in the list. If not, follow the steps in Adding a task to add a task.

    Expected: Task with index 0 is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted task are shown.

  2. Test case: delete -1

    Expected: No task is deleted. Error details are shown.

  3. Other incorrect delete commands to try: delete, delete x (x can be any number that doesn’t belong to a task in the list)

    Expected: No task is deleted. Error details are shown.

Viewing the full details of a task

Viewing a task details while all tasks are shown.

Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list command.

  1. Test case: view 1

    Expected: Details of the task with index 1 in the list are shown.

  2. Test case: view -1

    Expected: No task details are shown. Error details are shown.

  3. Other incorrect view commands to try: view, view x (where x is larger than the list size)

    Expected: No task details are shown. Error details are shown.


Guide on the use of ATHENA.

  1. Test case: help

    Expected: A guide on how to use ATHENA will be shown.

Data storage

Storage of user data (i.e. tasks).

Testing if ATHENA is able to handle corrupted data files.

Prerequisite: Open data.csv located next to Athena.jar.

  1. Test case: Add ,aaaa at the end of the last line.

    Problem: The task on that line is corrupted.

    Expected: When you launch Athena again, it will fail to start, and an error message will be given.

  2. Test case: Remove one of the commas (,) from the file. (If data.csv is not empty)

    Problem: The task on that line is corrupted.

    Expected: When you launch Athena again, it will fail to start, and an error message will be given.

  3. Test case: Add aaaaa at the end of the file.

    Problem: An invalid task is added.

    Expected: When you launch Athena again, it will fail to start, and an error message will be given.

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile

Value proposition

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I …
v1.0 forgetful student upload my tasks for the week remember to do them
v1.0 student mark my tasks as done know that I have done them and can put them aside
v1.0 student get reminded to do the tasks that are due soon will be on time
v1.0 student edit the tasks I added update accordingly to small changes
v1.0 student delete the tasks I added remove tasks that are not needed to do anymore
v1.0 student set my tasks according to importance complete the more important tasks first
v1.0 student leave some notes for a task remember about it
v2.0 student have a planner that tells me what time to rest don’t exhaust myself
v2.0 student see an overview of the week ahead make sure that I am staying on top of my tasks
v2.0 student view the details of a task can ensure I am on the right track with tasks
v2.0 busy student know what tasks to work on next don’t need to spend time planning

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 installed.
  2. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text should be able to use the features of ATHENA faster than by using the mouse.
  3. A user who wants to manually modify the save file can do so by using a text editor or spreadsheet application.

This section contains links to other relevant guides that may be of use.
